Marijuana Seedlings 1

What Do Canadian Marijuana Seeds Need to Germinate?

What Do Canadian Marijuana Seeds Need to Germinate?

Canadian marijuana seeds need the following to get the best germination rates:

Moisture – Keep things moist but not soaking (you can soak hard Canada marijuana seeds for up to 24-32 hours, but do not leave seeds soaking in water for longer than that).

Peace – Canada marijuana seeds need to be left alone while you’re waiting for the taproot to show up.

Warmth – Keep things warm to get the best germination rates, but not too hot! Think springtime. Seeds can definitely germinate in cooler temps, but germination tends to take longer when it’s cool.

Gentle – Be careful when checking seeds, and treat them gently when you have to move them. Avoid touching their white root if possible; the taproot is very fragile and easily snaps off!

Plant Root Down – When planting germinated seeds, point the white root downwards into the growing medium to prevent the seedling from having to reorient itself.

Plant Knuckle Deep – When planting germinated Canada marijuana seeds, they don’t have to be placed too far under in the growing medium, about a half inch to an inch (1.3 cm – 2.5 cm) down from the surface of the medium should be enough.