How To Store Marijuana Seeds

How to Store Marijuana Seeds Properly

Marijuana seeds are the beating heart of a nearly $92 billion dollar industry.

And while it seems like these seeds are tough and hardy (they are), they can be ruined by improper storage. And with the prices seeds from some strains fetch, that’s money out of your wallet.

But don’t worry. We’ve put together a guide on how to store marijuana seeds that includes everything from germination temperature to light and humidity.

If you want to increase your yields and protect your seed investments, read on to learn more!

Why Store Marijuana Seeds?

There are quite a few reasons why you should be properly storing your marijuana seeds.

All of them impact the viability of the seeds once they are planted. The safer you can keep your seeds, the better your chances of them sprouting and growing to a healthy age.

Seeds can be viable from 5-10 years if they are stored properly. Some may even germinate after that, although you’ll see less success per batch.

It’s best to plant your seeds within a year of storing, however. This will ensure that you get the most yield out of your batch of seeds.

Avoiding Diseases

The first important reason to store marijuana seeds properly is to avoid contaminating them with diseases.

Like people, marijuana seeds are vulnerable to a variety of plant-specific illnesses.

Fungus and mold are major issues that you want to avoid with cannabis seeds. This usually creeps in through having too much moisture in your seeds when you store them.

There are a variety of other diseases that can affect the growth of your mature plants via seedlings. Proper seed preservation can prevent a lot of problems before they even start.

Avoiding Germination

Germination is when seeds get the right amount of moisture, sunlight, and temperature. If all three of these things happen, the seed will begin to sprout.

Improperly storing your seeds could result in them sprouting early. If you want your seeds to stay seeds, you need to protect them.

Sprouting seeds before they are planted is a time-tested way to make sure you’re not wasting planting space on seeds that won’t grow. However, you definitely want to be in control of when and where they germinate.

Building Up A Collection

Full-grown marijuana plants take up a lot of space and resources (water, nutrients, soil or hydroponics, etc).

If you have limited grow space but like to collect different strains of plants, proper seed storage is a great way to stockpile for the future.

And if you happen to stumble upon an amazing strain while breeding your plants, being able to stockpile those seeds to plant or sell later is a great option.

Avoiding Light

The first thing you want to consider when storing your seeds is keeping them out of the light.

As we said before, seeds only need light and a little moisture to germinate. But light can also introduce heat, which can breed fungus, mold, and bacteria in your seeds.

The best way to avoid light altogether is to store your seeds in an opaque storage solution that blocks all sunlight and overhead lighting from touching your seeds.

You’ll also want to keep your seeds in a space that doesn’t see a lot of natural sunlight. This could be a closet, pantry, or even a dedicated seed storage room.

Doubling up on protective measures is always a good practice when figuring out how to store marijuana seeds. If one system “fails,” the other will still keep your seeds safe.

Proper Temperature

Heat is the enemy of proper seed storage. Seeds can germinate seemingly out of thin air if they sense a temperature increase. Plus disease and mold or fungus chances are increased, the higher the temperature climbs.

In their natural state, seeds go dormant in colder months. When spring and warmer temperatures arrive, this is their signal to start sprouting.

The best temperature to store seeds is between 40-47 degrees Fahrenheit. This keeps them at a nice cool temperature to “trick” them into not sprouting early.

Seed germination temperature usually hovers around 70 degrees but can trigger at around 50, so keep this in mind when storing them.

This means that refrigeration is your best bet. Make sure that your fridge does not frost and is not outdoors where it can get too cold inside.

You can also freeze seeds. However, they will generally begin to germinate immediately once taken out of the freeze. Freezing is not ideal unless you are an experienced grower.

If there is any excess moisture, freezing can also split and kill the seeds, so they need to be properly dried and vacuum-packed before freezing. They should also be planted immediately after removing them from the freezer.

The Right Humidity

Controlling the humidity of your seeds’ storage environment is crucial to keeping moisture out.

However, if you go too dry, you leave your seeds vulnerable to insects and pests.

The ideal humidity level for seed storage is between 5 and 9%.

A Clean Environment

Keeping your seed packaging and storage environment clean and tidy keeps your seeds safe.

It prevents contamination from insects, bacteria, fungus, and mold. Plus, keeping organized helps keep you on track with what you have on hand.

Storage Solutions

For packaging and storing seeds, you need something that is light, moisture, and pest-proof.

  • Mylar bags are a popular option. They are non-porous and do not let any light through. They are also very cheap and durable and can lay flat to store lots of seeds in a small space.
  • Glass containers are also a popular choice. Just make sure that you get an opaque or very dark glass, and that it can form an air-tight seal. Vacuum jars are a great investment for your seed collection.
  • Avoid plastic jars and bags. These are generally more porous than glass or Mylar and can let in diseases and pests.

Getting Started With Growing Marijuana

Learning how to store marijuana seeds is a critical part of becoming a marijuana grower. Seeds are the beginnings of a wonderful journey with your plants, so make sure that they get the best love and care you can give!

If you are new to growing your own marijuana and want to start building up your seed collection, we offer dozens of top-tier strains with the best-quality seeds available.

Be sure to check out our web store for great deals on amazing seeds. Our blog also has informative articles on how to grow marijuana. And as always, please feel free to contact us at!